On this day of your life, Neytiri & Jake, I
believe God wants you to know...
...that everything
you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or
sense in any way
is an aspect of Divinity.
It is when you judge
it to be something else that it shows
up as something else
in your life. Therefore, judge not,
and neither condemn.
For that which you
judge, judges you; and that which
you condemn will
condemn you. Yet that which you see
for what it really is
will see you for what you really are.
And therein will be
found your peace.

Threshold For Happiness
Did you know that
we all have a threshold for happiness? No matter how happy we are, eventually
we will find something to unnecessarily worry about.
One of the hardest things for us to do is enjoy the many blessings in our lives instead of focusing on what we lack. Give yourself permission to be happy right now, and to enjoy all the good in your life. It’s how you’ll attract even more. |
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