I love to study the lives of artists because I believe that they are always trying to improve the world by their creations. Artists rarely destroy. This knowledge is important for those of us who wish to Say Yes to Your Spirit.We may not be famous, but we are all called to be artists in our particular lives.We can improve the environment, relationships, and international understanding.We can respect animals and express concern toward the poor and homeless. We can make the world a better place. In Alcoholics Anonymous you hear that service is essential for sobriety.We give to receive. Jesus lived the same message. So did Gautama Buddha. Oh yes, and so can we. Let the dance begin.
Each day I seek to improve my life and in doing so improve the world.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
On this day of your life, Neytiri & Jake, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the supernatural is the natural not yet
Elbert Hubbard said
that, and he was right. William
Shakespeare put it
another way: There are more things
in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy.
All of which is to
say, do not be too surprised by the
inexplicable. And if
you've been wondering whether
you can trust this
thing called God--the answer is yes.
Hey, you asked for a
sign and here it is--literally out
of the blue. So
smile. Okay?
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