Wednesday, 1 January 2014

End of Year Ritual

By Aine Belton

Below is a ‘Closing Ceremony’ for 2013.

It includes a series of questions that in answering will help you harvest the gifts of 2013 and take some time for reflection, acknowledgement, and gratitude, as well as letting go of anything you wish to release before 2014.

You may want to copy-and-paste the questions below into a word document so you can type up your answers.

Before you begin, is there anything that you want to get off your chest from 2013 before entering 2014?

Any anger, pain, sorrow, resentment, regret, hurt, confusion, judgment, blame, pity, fear, grief? If you feel it will serve you at this time, allow yourself to feel those feelings, to release them, or have a last rant or vent to yourself, or whatever you feel is needed. You may even want to write them down and burn the paper, or express them in whatever way helps you release them most effectively (and cleanly, i.e. without dumping them on another!). 

Now take a deep breath and let out a relieving sigh, *aaaaaah*. 
There we go. End of those stories, and on with…

Harvest time!

To extract the juice from 2013, answer the questions below:

* How did your love of self, life and others, show up in 2013 – in your relationships, work, and life in general?

* What dreams came true in 2013?

* What personal strengths did you discover, apply, or develop?

* What served as a catalyst for your growth and transformation that you can now be grateful for, even if challenging or painful at the time?

* What new skills, insights and wisdom did you acquire in 2013?

* What can you forgive yourself for in 2013?

* What and who else can you forgive and let go of from 2013?

* What achievements and accomplishments can you congratulate yourself for?

* What blessings, opportunities and synchronicities occurred?

* What ‘lessons’ did you learn? (I’m not too fond of the word lessons but I trust you know what I mean here).

* List some of 2013’s magic moments!

* What do you feel were any ‘weak’ areas or traits that you would like to strengthen in 2014 (communication, finances, self-love, organization, health, relationships, business, freedom, leisure, work, commitment, forgiveness, humility, confidence, expressing your truth, spontaneity, etc.)?

* What and who are you grateful for this 2013, and why? (You may also want to make a phone call or send a thank you card, email or text to someone to express that thanks).

* What or who can you let go of from 2013? (This may include a pattern, grievance, person, belief, resentment, attitude, emotion, attribute, behaviour, story, situation, judgment (against self or other), habit, etc.)

* Where did you courageously step outside of your comfort zone in 2013?

* What new people did you meet in 2013 that you are grateful for having met?

* What did you absolutely LOVE that happened in 2013?

Answers to some of these questions may overlap. You don’t have to answer them all either – feel free to focus on those that most appeal, though I recommend answering the forgiveness and gratitude questions to both enhance letting go of constricting energy, and allowing in more of the positive. The energy of gratitude is great for calling in and attracting more of all your valued and cherished experiences.

If you have written answers down, you might like to read the answers back, honouring each by getting in touch with the feelings (of love, gratitude, appreciation, joy, acknowledgment, enthusiasm, self-respect, forgiveness, acceptance, etc.).

Reap and integrate the gifts of 2013!

Congratulate yourself for this year gone by and allow yourself to feel the joy, peace, and celebration of that.
Feel grateful for all that you have, and all that you are, for the future you’re creating, and your beautiful heart.”
Much love,

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