This week’s article is the last of a three-part series on Manifesting. This article is about How to Identify and Change What Your Subconscious Is Creating.
In the last article we were able to differentiate between the emotions, and the results of your ego and your Inner Being.
To summarise these differences.
So now that we know the difference, how do we make the journey from our ego to the true power of our Inner Being?
The truth is when we are unconscious we really have no idea. Maybe it wasn’t until life ‘kicked’ us enough times that we even started looking at our life consciously.
Before we become conscious we are a product of our environment. What we have previously experienced and what we are presently experiencing defines us.
If you are unconscious, whatever has happened to you is affecting you and it is the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you base your life on. This is what belief systems are. They are thoughts and feelings that you have repeated and entertained enough that they become ingrained ways of being.
When our thoughts and emotions are anchored in painful events from our past then we are living in reaction and survival programs. We are not flowing into the creation of new experiences.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of my favourite teachers on Quantum Mechanics. He is a neuro scientist, and his teachings are for me very cutting-edge.
The following information is some of his techniques and ideas, combined with my own beliefs / intuitions on this topic.
To understand What We Are Creating in our life from the inside out we need to understand the Quantum Model of Creation. The Quantum Model states that in every moment of now multi realities exist. This means there are ‘all possibilities’ which could be energetically aligned with.
Therefore in every moment of now you DO have the alibility to choose a new vibration and align with a New Self, a New Emotional Pattern, a New Life and a New Future.
But to have this option you need to access The Now.
The possibilities of a different trajectory – a different timeline to step on – ONLY exist in The Now. It is not accessible in the past or in the future – only the ‘right here / right now’.
Let me explain how this can be an issue if you are still anchored in the emotional pain of the past.
To align with a different trajectory path we need to change vibration in order to be an emotional match for this new trajectory path. We need to be able to feel we deserve it, that we are the fullness of this path inside us, and that we know we are connected to it emotionally.
Once we can achieve this we are literally living the PATH of this NEW LIFE, and everything within us and outside of us will unfold to support and create this new path.
When our energy is still stuck in the past (emotional pain) this is the trajectory we are on – and it is the only trajectory we have access to. Therefore our past MUST continue to become our present and our future timeline unless we can change the trajectory path within ourselves.
If we don’t, it is a definite path of recreation of more of the same. It is an unavoidable straight line of more reaction and survival and being defined by painful external circumstances.
This is the creation of the ‘old self’ over and over again.
Hence no evolution and growth. According to Joe Dispenza this is the slow method of evolution meaning it may take you a million years to evolve your ‘self’.
Sadly this is a ‘normal’ human model.
This allows us to understand it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a new future if our emotions are still anchored in your past…
Therefore to stay stuck in your emotional limiting belief systems and keep experiencing the pain of these belief systems – means that you are not evolving. You are in fact ‘dissolving’ ….you are breaking down instead of breaking through.
It is very simple exercise that you can do to understand whether or not you do have a healthy vibration (are clear of the past) right here / right now, in order to create rather than regurgitate your life.
This is how you do this…
Stop, sit down, close your eyes and have absolutely no distractions outside of yourself. No noise, no interruptions and no outer stimuli.
Spend at least half an hour with yourself bringing your attention to just ‘being’ in the moment of now – and not thinking about anything…simply feeling.
This exercise is incredible revealing, because you will meet the Real You…the You Who You Are Right Now.
The truth is when you are distracted by anything outside of yourself (your environment) you don’t actually know Who You Are – you don’t know what level of vibration you are operating at. You may have been very used to reacting to your environment rather than being in contact and connection with yourself.
The illusion in life is that your creations are to do with your reactions to your environment – yet they are not. Your creations in life are all coming from your vibrational quality (your belief systems) that reside within yourself.
Now without distractions you are meeting the REAL YOU. The real you is your subconscious vibration, because your subconscious is responsible for (according to Joe Dispenza) 95% of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the world. It also accounts for virtually everything you attract into your life – because attraction and creation (for good or bad) is vibrational.
Whilst sitting with yourself quietly, keep bringing your mind back to no thought and simply observing your feelings.
Now the Real You will present. Your internal programming may start bringing up emotional pain. It may be thoughts and memories, events, obsessions etc. These are all painful and defunct belief systems which have anchored you to the emotional pain of your past.
Your emotions may get impatient, frustrated and even angry and keep trying to take you to future events. Such as what I need to get done today, or what I am doing on the weekend.
This is your emotional vibration wanting to self-avoid – not ‘be with self’ and escape being with self.
Do you realise how fascinating this is? Can you see how much your inner programs can be disconnecting you from your True
Power as a creator in The Now.
This is SO VITAL to understand, because if you are stuck in the emotional anchors of your past, or self-avoiding by continually going toward the future you are separated from being able to access a New Self trajectory life path.
You are separated from your infinite possibilities, change, evolution or growth.
Your mind and logical thinking has no ability to be at one with Your Inner Being and Life in The Now.
The truth is the human experience is about NOT living in the now.
We have all programmed ourselves out of the present moment, and become entrenched in contracted, fearful survival modes. This level of vibration causes the need for lots of ‘doing in reaction’ as a result of the re-creation of painful experiences in our lives.
That is what the ego does. It is a survival mechanism that doesn’t take the long view of effective creation – it simply offers survival tactics in the moment. That’s what triggers, reactions and intensely focusing on ‘the outside’ is all about.
By anchoring you in the emotional pain of the past and victimisation, the ego convinces you this is a necessary warning against it happening to you again in the future.
The incredible irony is RATHER than avoiding this pain by hanging on to it – you ARE living your past over and over again with no way out – with no chance of a different or prosperous future creation. Your emotional body knows no difference between the pain of yesterday and the pain of NOW – it is all the pain of NOW.
The now always manifests to become your future.
Your ego also avoids being present in the now by trying to second guess the future consistently. This is its way of ‘pitting against life’. Trying to stay ‘one up’ and ‘ahead of what could go wrong’.
This is of course another fearful defence mechanism.
The ego refuses to just relax and be in The Now, because it would be out of a job. The ego is in fear of every moment of now, and is continually recreating more fearful moments of now. The ego is a pain body – addicted to pain, and it is invested in keeping pain going.
This is why you may be addicted to people and situations which are incredible painful for you. You may not have realised these painful definitions from your environment are the only way you can establish that you do in fact exist.
It is not until you start working with your Inner Being that you will know that there is a much healthier and much more fulfilling way to exist.
The ego at its core feels unworthy of being loved and accepted in the now. It needs to seek drama outside of itself to exist. This is why it hangs on to the past – literally – as in blaming others, or it simply logically ‘resolves’ ‘I’ve dealt with that’ without having taken the responsibility for inner emotional processing.
The ego is horrified about feeling imperfect and admitting there are any dysfunctions or flaws. The ego does not want to love you, support you or heal you unconditionally and will avoid this at all costs.
The ego is the voice in your head that tells you that you are not worth your own attention, and grants you every reason to avoid going within.
The ego disconnects from, overlooks and disowns you, and seeks anything but you in order to try to feel whole.
Your ego is NOT you…
In our normal human experience this can be an attempt to offset the pain, fear and emptiness which is taking place within the existing painful subconscious programs.
Unless we have done the inner journey of accepting, embracing, meeting, healing, and loving our inner fearful parts, we are not a model of loving, accepting and approving of ourself. If we are separated from loving and connecting to our Inner Being, our choices will come from disconnection, and fear and lack – they are egoic rather than authentically empowered.
If we try to overlay a new trajectory through ‘positive thinking’ without attending to our existing Inner Being and belief systems, the results always default back to the existing subconscious programs we have running.
It may seem we are getting results, but they won’t hold. They will spin around, and what seemed ‘wonderful ‘will turn out to be ‘more of the same’.
This is why certain people are broke again after winning the lottery within five years, why some entrepreneurs continually gravitate between success and bankruptcy, and why people leave relationships and then attract the identical relationship over and over again.
These people are simply living out the choices, actions and events which prove the validity of their entrenched subconscious belief systems.
Hopefully you are starting to realise that in order to put yourself on a New Life trajectory path you need to break free from the pain, fear and survival programs of your past – and you need to work on yourself in order to change this.
According to Joe Dispenza there is ONLY ever one reason why you are not manifesting a new future for yourself – and that is because you still have emotional anchors holding you in the past.
I totally agree….
To let go of your past is not just an emotional decision you can wake up one morning and do. If you try to do it this way – really all you are doing is choosing to shove it down, ignore it and distract it with your environment.
These are all just functions of the ego – and self-avoidance.
No matter what way you slice this, dice this or turn this over – there is one option and one option only – which is to go within.
Your egoic survival DNA is made up of literally thousands of ancestral years of programming. You need to piece by piece change the hardwiring within your brain if you want to become an effective and empowered creator.
So back to the exercise of simply ‘being with yourself’ for at least 30 minutes without any distractions. The place where you meet the Real You.
Can you observe yourself here? Can you observe your pain and start to see what your vibration is really up to? Can you observe how much pain and anxiety you feel, and / or how agitated and how much you try to escape being with yourself by wanting to move to a future event?
When you first do this exercise and you realise the significance of it, you may be incredibly shocked as to how distracted, anxious, angry or depressed you feel. Then you need to take ownership – because this is the vibration you have unconsciously allowed yourself to become.
This is the present level of emotional vibrational mastery you have over yourself.
Straight after doing the exercise and experiencing emotional pain, you may wish to self-medicate by going for a drive, visiting someone, contacting someone, eating food, taking an alcoholic drink, having a cigarette, playing a computer game , or watching TV – or even putting on some music to cheer yourself up.
Please know this even listening to nice music is STILL an outer distraction required as a prop to manage your vibration – but in effect what these props are, are a distraction from yourself. As long as you are using ANYTHING outside of yourself – rather than working directly ON yourself you are a product of your environment and you are NOT becoming a Source to yourself.
Even happy songs used to manage your vibration mean you are reliant on your environment for ‘self’. True emotional mastery is being the emotional Source to yourself.
Without you becoming this true and full Source to yourself, your environment will always trigger you, control you and you will stay on a genetic trajectory rather than creating your own evolution.
Know that if these aspects of yourself are present, your egoic survival functions are separating you from creating a New Future.
This is what you can do now:
1) Work hard at resolving, releasing and freeing yourself from the past. The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program powerfully allows you to achieve this – this is essential for you to move into the ‘space’ of being able to access other timeline possibilities.
2) Work at meditating and bringing yourself more and more into ‘being in the now’ – then you train yourself and your vibration to open up to the joy of New Pathways and Creations.
3) When you are ‘clean’ and whole enough in The Now and truly love, partner, and accept yourself - you will embody the deservedness to feel, know, dream and create what you would love to have in your life. Then you can start mentally and emotionally becoming the architect of your New Life.
Now your life will take off and start taking shape beyond description.
In my own journey of growth and learning (I am never going to stop expanding – I love it!) I have been thrilled to embrace Joe Dispenza’s Quantum Physics Model.
Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself contains one of the most thorough explanations of quantum physics I have ever read. Joe Dispenza breaks down what your brain is really creating, teaches you how to rewire your subconscious and shows you how to identify the power your subconscious mind has in your life.
Best of all I love how perfectly it fits into my Quanta Freedom Healing model!
I now incorporate his meditations to connect to ‘the now’ with Quanta Freedom Healing (to instantly clear old limiting belief systems) and have found this combination to fast track my emotional vibration and manifestation results incredibly.
I definitely recommend getting a copy of Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself if you haven’t read it.
I hope you have enjoyed this three part series and I look forward to your comments. I would also love to hear your results of the meditation of ‘being with yourself’.

To summarise these differences.
- Your ego is conditional, fearful, limited, empty and powerless.
- Your Inner Being is unconditional, infinite, unlimited, connected, and power-ful.
So now that we know the difference, how do we make the journey from our ego to the true power of our Inner Being?
Are My Anchors In The Past Preventing Me From Having a New Future?
First of all we need to know Who We Are – and by that I mean we need to know ‘How Am I REALLY Operating?’The truth is when we are unconscious we really have no idea. Maybe it wasn’t until life ‘kicked’ us enough times that we even started looking at our life consciously.
Before we become conscious we are a product of our environment. What we have previously experienced and what we are presently experiencing defines us.
If you are unconscious, whatever has happened to you is affecting you and it is the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you base your life on. This is what belief systems are. They are thoughts and feelings that you have repeated and entertained enough that they become ingrained ways of being.
When our thoughts and emotions are anchored in painful events from our past then we are living in reaction and survival programs. We are not flowing into the creation of new experiences.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of my favourite teachers on Quantum Mechanics. He is a neuro scientist, and his teachings are for me very cutting-edge.
The following information is some of his techniques and ideas, combined with my own beliefs / intuitions on this topic.
To understand What We Are Creating in our life from the inside out we need to understand the Quantum Model of Creation. The Quantum Model states that in every moment of now multi realities exist. This means there are ‘all possibilities’ which could be energetically aligned with.
Therefore in every moment of now you DO have the alibility to choose a new vibration and align with a New Self, a New Emotional Pattern, a New Life and a New Future.
But to have this option you need to access The Now.
The possibilities of a different trajectory – a different timeline to step on – ONLY exist in The Now. It is not accessible in the past or in the future – only the ‘right here / right now’.
Let me explain how this can be an issue if you are still anchored in the emotional pain of the past.
To align with a different trajectory path we need to change vibration in order to be an emotional match for this new trajectory path. We need to be able to feel we deserve it, that we are the fullness of this path inside us, and that we know we are connected to it emotionally.
Once we can achieve this we are literally living the PATH of this NEW LIFE, and everything within us and outside of us will unfold to support and create this new path.
When our energy is still stuck in the past (emotional pain) this is the trajectory we are on – and it is the only trajectory we have access to. Therefore our past MUST continue to become our present and our future timeline unless we can change the trajectory path within ourselves.
If we don’t, it is a definite path of recreation of more of the same. It is an unavoidable straight line of more reaction and survival and being defined by painful external circumstances.
This is the creation of the ‘old self’ over and over again.
Hence no evolution and growth. According to Joe Dispenza this is the slow method of evolution meaning it may take you a million years to evolve your ‘self’.
Sadly this is a ‘normal’ human model.
This allows us to understand it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a new future if our emotions are still anchored in your past…
Therefore to stay stuck in your emotional limiting belief systems and keep experiencing the pain of these belief systems – means that you are not evolving. You are in fact ‘dissolving’ ….you are breaking down instead of breaking through.
Who Are You Really?
This following exercise is one of Joe Dispenza’s.It is very simple exercise that you can do to understand whether or not you do have a healthy vibration (are clear of the past) right here / right now, in order to create rather than regurgitate your life.
This is how you do this…
Stop, sit down, close your eyes and have absolutely no distractions outside of yourself. No noise, no interruptions and no outer stimuli.
Spend at least half an hour with yourself bringing your attention to just ‘being’ in the moment of now – and not thinking about anything…simply feeling.
This exercise is incredible revealing, because you will meet the Real You…the You Who You Are Right Now.
The truth is when you are distracted by anything outside of yourself (your environment) you don’t actually know Who You Are – you don’t know what level of vibration you are operating at. You may have been very used to reacting to your environment rather than being in contact and connection with yourself.
The illusion in life is that your creations are to do with your reactions to your environment – yet they are not. Your creations in life are all coming from your vibrational quality (your belief systems) that reside within yourself.
Now without distractions you are meeting the REAL YOU. The real you is your subconscious vibration, because your subconscious is responsible for (according to Joe Dispenza) 95% of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the world. It also accounts for virtually everything you attract into your life – because attraction and creation (for good or bad) is vibrational.
Whilst sitting with yourself quietly, keep bringing your mind back to no thought and simply observing your feelings.
Now the Real You will present. Your internal programming may start bringing up emotional pain. It may be thoughts and memories, events, obsessions etc. These are all painful and defunct belief systems which have anchored you to the emotional pain of your past.
Your emotions may get impatient, frustrated and even angry and keep trying to take you to future events. Such as what I need to get done today, or what I am doing on the weekend.
This is your emotional vibration wanting to self-avoid – not ‘be with self’ and escape being with self.
Do you realise how fascinating this is? Can you see how much your inner programs can be disconnecting you from your True
Power as a creator in The Now.
This is SO VITAL to understand, because if you are stuck in the emotional anchors of your past, or self-avoiding by continually going toward the future you are separated from being able to access a New Self trajectory life path.
You are separated from your infinite possibilities, change, evolution or growth.
The Human Egoic Experience is Not in the Now
Now we really can understand the meaning of ‘If I don’t go within I will go without’.Your mind and logical thinking has no ability to be at one with Your Inner Being and Life in The Now.
The truth is the human experience is about NOT living in the now.
We have all programmed ourselves out of the present moment, and become entrenched in contracted, fearful survival modes. This level of vibration causes the need for lots of ‘doing in reaction’ as a result of the re-creation of painful experiences in our lives.
That is what the ego does. It is a survival mechanism that doesn’t take the long view of effective creation – it simply offers survival tactics in the moment. That’s what triggers, reactions and intensely focusing on ‘the outside’ is all about.
By anchoring you in the emotional pain of the past and victimisation, the ego convinces you this is a necessary warning against it happening to you again in the future.
The incredible irony is RATHER than avoiding this pain by hanging on to it – you ARE living your past over and over again with no way out – with no chance of a different or prosperous future creation. Your emotional body knows no difference between the pain of yesterday and the pain of NOW – it is all the pain of NOW.
The now always manifests to become your future.
Your ego also avoids being present in the now by trying to second guess the future consistently. This is its way of ‘pitting against life’. Trying to stay ‘one up’ and ‘ahead of what could go wrong’.
This is of course another fearful defence mechanism.
The ego refuses to just relax and be in The Now, because it would be out of a job. The ego is in fear of every moment of now, and is continually recreating more fearful moments of now. The ego is a pain body – addicted to pain, and it is invested in keeping pain going.
This is why you may be addicted to people and situations which are incredible painful for you. You may not have realised these painful definitions from your environment are the only way you can establish that you do in fact exist.
It is not until you start working with your Inner Being that you will know that there is a much healthier and much more fulfilling way to exist.
The ego at its core feels unworthy of being loved and accepted in the now. It needs to seek drama outside of itself to exist. This is why it hangs on to the past – literally – as in blaming others, or it simply logically ‘resolves’ ‘I’ve dealt with that’ without having taken the responsibility for inner emotional processing.
The ego is horrified about feeling imperfect and admitting there are any dysfunctions or flaws. The ego does not want to love you, support you or heal you unconditionally and will avoid this at all costs.
The ego is the voice in your head that tells you that you are not worth your own attention, and grants you every reason to avoid going within.
The ego disconnects from, overlooks and disowns you, and seeks anything but you in order to try to feel whole.
Your ego is NOT you…
Manifestation is So Much More Than Just Positive Thinking
If you are simply trying to ‘positive think’ yourself toward a new future this is usually your ego trying to force new results.In our normal human experience this can be an attempt to offset the pain, fear and emptiness which is taking place within the existing painful subconscious programs.
Unless we have done the inner journey of accepting, embracing, meeting, healing, and loving our inner fearful parts, we are not a model of loving, accepting and approving of ourself. If we are separated from loving and connecting to our Inner Being, our choices will come from disconnection, and fear and lack – they are egoic rather than authentically empowered.
If we try to overlay a new trajectory through ‘positive thinking’ without attending to our existing Inner Being and belief systems, the results always default back to the existing subconscious programs we have running.
It may seem we are getting results, but they won’t hold. They will spin around, and what seemed ‘wonderful ‘will turn out to be ‘more of the same’.
This is why certain people are broke again after winning the lottery within five years, why some entrepreneurs continually gravitate between success and bankruptcy, and why people leave relationships and then attract the identical relationship over and over again.
These people are simply living out the choices, actions and events which prove the validity of their entrenched subconscious belief systems.
Hopefully you are starting to realise that in order to put yourself on a New Life trajectory path you need to break free from the pain, fear and survival programs of your past – and you need to work on yourself in order to change this.
According to Joe Dispenza there is ONLY ever one reason why you are not manifesting a new future for yourself – and that is because you still have emotional anchors holding you in the past.
I totally agree….
To let go of your past is not just an emotional decision you can wake up one morning and do. If you try to do it this way – really all you are doing is choosing to shove it down, ignore it and distract it with your environment.
These are all just functions of the ego – and self-avoidance.
No matter what way you slice this, dice this or turn this over – there is one option and one option only – which is to go within.
Your egoic survival DNA is made up of literally thousands of ancestral years of programming. You need to piece by piece change the hardwiring within your brain if you want to become an effective and empowered creator.
So back to the exercise of simply ‘being with yourself’ for at least 30 minutes without any distractions. The place where you meet the Real You.
Can you observe yourself here? Can you observe your pain and start to see what your vibration is really up to? Can you observe how much pain and anxiety you feel, and / or how agitated and how much you try to escape being with yourself by wanting to move to a future event?
When you first do this exercise and you realise the significance of it, you may be incredibly shocked as to how distracted, anxious, angry or depressed you feel. Then you need to take ownership – because this is the vibration you have unconsciously allowed yourself to become.
This is the present level of emotional vibrational mastery you have over yourself.
Straight after doing the exercise and experiencing emotional pain, you may wish to self-medicate by going for a drive, visiting someone, contacting someone, eating food, taking an alcoholic drink, having a cigarette, playing a computer game , or watching TV – or even putting on some music to cheer yourself up.
Please know this even listening to nice music is STILL an outer distraction required as a prop to manage your vibration – but in effect what these props are, are a distraction from yourself. As long as you are using ANYTHING outside of yourself – rather than working directly ON yourself you are a product of your environment and you are NOT becoming a Source to yourself.
Even happy songs used to manage your vibration mean you are reliant on your environment for ‘self’. True emotional mastery is being the emotional Source to yourself.
Without you becoming this true and full Source to yourself, your environment will always trigger you, control you and you will stay on a genetic trajectory rather than creating your own evolution.
Your Direct Path to Manifestating What You Want in Life
I really encourage you to do the exercise of being with yourself without distractions for 30 minutes at least and observe yourself honestly. Write down your results. Note what comes up from your past and how you try to self-avoid into the future.Know that if these aspects of yourself are present, your egoic survival functions are separating you from creating a New Future.
This is what you can do now:
1) Work hard at resolving, releasing and freeing yourself from the past. The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program powerfully allows you to achieve this – this is essential for you to move into the ‘space’ of being able to access other timeline possibilities.
2) Work at meditating and bringing yourself more and more into ‘being in the now’ – then you train yourself and your vibration to open up to the joy of New Pathways and Creations.
3) When you are ‘clean’ and whole enough in The Now and truly love, partner, and accept yourself - you will embody the deservedness to feel, know, dream and create what you would love to have in your life. Then you can start mentally and emotionally becoming the architect of your New Life.
Now your life will take off and start taking shape beyond description.
In my own journey of growth and learning (I am never going to stop expanding – I love it!) I have been thrilled to embrace Joe Dispenza’s Quantum Physics Model.
Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself contains one of the most thorough explanations of quantum physics I have ever read. Joe Dispenza breaks down what your brain is really creating, teaches you how to rewire your subconscious and shows you how to identify the power your subconscious mind has in your life.
Best of all I love how perfectly it fits into my Quanta Freedom Healing model!
I now incorporate his meditations to connect to ‘the now’ with Quanta Freedom Healing (to instantly clear old limiting belief systems) and have found this combination to fast track my emotional vibration and manifestation results incredibly.
I definitely recommend getting a copy of Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself if you haven’t read it.
I hope you have enjoyed this three part series and I look forward to your comments. I would also love to hear your results of the meditation of ‘being with yourself’.
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