Saturday 18 May 2013

12 ‘Blissipline’ Tips!

Movie of the week: ANNA KARENINA

12 ‘Blissipline’ Tips!

1. Daily Meditation

When you change your energy you change your reality. Meditation is a powerful energy raiser and purifier and helps you connect to your Higher Self and the loving intelligence at the heart of Life. The benefits of meditation on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels are well documented.

Meditation stills the ‘monkey mind’ and looping conscious thoughts and feelings that can disrupt your state of being and distract you from your true self.

When you meditate constricting energy can be naturally released as you relax into deeper states of mind, raise your consciousness, and create a gateway to connect to your Higher Self and Source. Meditation can offer a gentle safe space for your heart to open, clearer perspectives and divine guidance to be received, and the ‘bigger picture’ of your being and life beyond everyday living and your personality programs to be unveiled.

There are a wide variety of meditation practices and various traditions and approaches, including guided meditations, breathing techniques, mindfulness, visualizations, mantras, etc. Even moments in quiet stillness and reflection can be very valuable.

Just 5 minutes meditating once a day can be beneficial. Commit to a time in the mornings, for example. You can extend that to 2 or more times a day, and move from 5 minutes to 10, then 20 minutes.

2. Intention-Setting and Manifesting Routine

You are a powerful co-creator, creating your reality in every moment. Desire, imagine, dream, believe, and open to receive.”

As an extension of your meditation time you can send out positive intentions, visualisations, dreams, and blessings into the universe through thought and imagination.

You may also like to optimize your day ahead with positive intentions, such as:

“May all that is in the highest of all unfold with grace and ease today, opening me and others to greater love, joy and success.” or whatever words resonate with you.

Whilst I have not studied A Course In Miracles personally I have enjoyed any of the material I have read or come across, including this wonderful morning intention-setting prayer:

[Dear Universe/God/Goddess/Source/Creator]…

“What would you have me do today?
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me say, and to whom?”
~ A Course In Miracles

Take a moment then to pause and reflect, opening to what flows, and any inspiration, guidance, or positive states that may arise after.

3. Gratitude

When you go to sleep, say thank you. When you awaken, say thank you.”

Gratitude raises your energy, opens you to more love and abundance, transforms problems, and accelerates the manifestations of your heart’s desires.

Allow yourself to feel grateful for 5-10 things in your life each morning and before bed. It is a simple exercise and doesn’t take long. What matters is really getting in touch with and feeling that gratitude and appreciation so it is not just a routine process, but one that generates the energy of gratitude which will naturally attract more of that which you feel grateful for and all that brings you love and joy.

Gratitude is a light that dances from your heart, and blesses you and its subject whether near or far apart.”

4. Time in Nature

Let yourself be hugged by the love of the land, be cradled by its flower laden hand.”

Spending time in nature is rejuvenating and recalibrating, restores harmony, peace, and joy, imbues you with love and opens you to the sacred.

Nature embodies the divine, manifest in beauty-forms emanating with pure life force. The wondrous energies of flowers, plants and the nourishing energy and love of mother earth herself are very transforming and rejuvenating.

Being in nature will also ground you, relieve stress and discharge negative energies from your field, as well as lift your spirits and open your heart. Feed your soul with time nature.

5. Do More of What you Love

What makes your heart sing? Go do it!”

This is an obvious one, but I personally find reminding myself always helps.

Are you really giving yourself permission to do what you love? How much more of what brings you joy can you add to your life?

Your happiness in itself is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world, and the people who love you in it.

All work and no play makes for a dull day. Write a ‘joy-list’ of all that brings you joy and schedule it in to your days. Remember to ask your heart what it wants and grant those requests regularly.

6. Open to Receive

You deserve all your heart desires. Open to receive.”

I share a free ebook “The Magic of Receiving” as one of the gifts at this site at which covers a lot on this topic.

Here I want to point out that being overly independent, a martyr, in sacrifice, taking on too much or trying to do everything on your own only leads to burn out and exhaustion, and usually accompanying resentment.

Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. How can you receive more, have things be easy, and be supported? How can things be more elegant and graceful? How and where/what area of your life could you benefit from receiving more?

Know you deserve and intend and open to receive. Ask for what you desire in your heart and feel worthy of receiving it. Send requests out to the universe. Ask the loving intelligence of All to help you in manifesting your heart’s desires. Affirm your intentions and be open to receive the outer manifestations in your reality – the blessings which may also show up as synchronicities, signs, and opportunities that come your way.

7. Love and Acceptance

Take a moment to accept yourself, life and others just as you/it/they are.”

The more you accept yourself as you are, the more you let go of what you’re not. It is what you resist about yourself that persists, and gets repressed into your shadow showing up in your world through projections that you make of that which is denied within.

Be conscious of whether you’re in guilt and choose to drop it. Guilt has no redeeming features. Let go of self-judgment and any self-punishment you may create or allow through your reality being painful or unkind.

Forgive yourself. Be loving, compassionate and accepting of yourself just as you are. Let yourself off the hook once and for all.

It may be easy to love the beautiful in you but it is the ugly parts that need your love the most. It is these parts that are most separate from love. Same goes with others. Accept all of you, light and dark, strengths and weaknesses, and embrace the true higher being of love, light, innocence and WONDER that you are.

8. Take Responsibility

Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment; the more you take responsibility for your life, the more you are able to change it.”

Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are creating your reality. These may not always be conscious and there may be unconscious patterns and beliefs at play. Take your power back through responsibility. Accept things as they are and understanding them or not, take responsibility for them nonetheless, and let go of what doesn’t serve you.

If you don’t like the story you’re living, get writing a new script! Your reality is not a random occurrence separate it may appear to be.

Take responsibility for your life wherever you are, forgive yourself for creating or allowing anything painful (though there may be hidden gifts and blessings even in those circumstances) and commit to a life of greater love, joy and success.

9. Honour Your Emotions

When it comes to emotions don’t skirt in the shallows; dive in deep, get wet, let their currents be fully felt.”

When we shut down to negative emotions to avoid pain, we also shut out the lighter, positive feelings of love, happiness and joy too.

One of the best ways to honour and release your emotions is to FEEL them! This doesn’t mean indulging in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud), but it can mean diving into them to let them be fully felt. Doing so can be the quickest and most natural way for them to move through you and be released.

This frees you and allows you to experience the gifts, healing, illuminations and light feelings lie on the other side of your denser constricting emotions.

Your feelings are allies and point to what needs healing, clearing or aligning within. They show you what’s going on inside, and the thoughts and beliefs that are currently shaping your world, which you can of course change if they don’t serve you.

Give yourself permission to feel, feelings are what make you real.”

10. Be Yourself

Be yourself; you’re the only one qualified, plus you’re amazing!”

You’re here to be YOU. When you go trying to be someone else you deprive the world of who you are.

You have so many gifts just in being that authentic self. When you warp or shrink yourself out of fear, self-consciousness or conformity, you deprive people of the magic that you are. What good are the gifts of your being if unwrapped and hidden?

Never let shyness stop you from sharing what your beautiful heart wants to share!

Being yourself is the key true success and the best way to serve others and your world. Don’t hide yourself or your gifts. Be courageous and vulnerable enough to share yourself authentically.

Your presence alone is a gift. Never forget or underestimate that presence. The light of your being, the ambience of your soul, brings warmth, substance, colour and meaning into others’ lives, more than you may know or realise. They have attracted you into their life for that reason and vice versa.

11. Love

Be like the sun; shine your love on everyone.”

Love yourself and others. This obviously isn’t an intellectual process and one of opening the heart, but choice and intention can help.

There can be a lot of resistance to love, conscious or otherwise, and times when loving self or others may feel easier than others, but make it an overriding aim. Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it at the root of your troubles and pain.

Let love be a guiding light in your life to steer your ship through stormy waters back to the shore of truth, happiness and joy. Love is what your life is about more than you may know or realise.

We all love to love and be loved. It doesn’t get better than that. The more you love yourself and others, the happier and brighter your life will become.

You are loved totally and unconditionally by the heart of creation. There is nothing you need do to win that love and nothing you can do to lose it.

Becoming aware of this helps to connect you to your inherent unconditional worth, increases your sense of deserving, heals pain of separation and opens you to the love that is there for you in every moment.

12. Oneness Perspectives

An awareness that at a fundamental level we are all connected, and from a meta-physical perspective you and your reality are not separate, helps to foster greater compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, and love.

In Lak’ech (I am you/you are me).
You are my other me.
If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.
If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.
~ Mayan saying

Love and blissings,

Aine Belton

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