Ego versus Soul by Aine Belton
Below are 9 Ego-Soul distinctions. These are listed for enhancing awareness – don’t fall into the trap of judging yourself or feeling guilty about your ego traits, that’ll be your ego 
Your ego is as invested in making your feel ‘less than’ as it is in making your feel ‘better than’ – anything to keep you from love and the wholeness and acceptance it grants. Love essentially equals death of the ego, so understandably, the ego resists it.
Before listing 9 Ego versus Soul traits, I first share 9 Graces of Consciousness that can help you move from ego to love.
9 Graces of Consciousness
1) Love, an obvious first, will always disengage ego. Judgment, guilt, control, etc., cannot exist when you are immersed in the energy of love. The reason the other below 8 ‘graces’ work also is because they are catalysts for opening to love or help you let go of what is standing in the way of that love.
2) Gratitude opens your heart, raises your energy, and focuses your attention on what you love and appreciate in your life. This melts away ego perspectives and invites in love.
3) Forgiveness of self and others (which are always related, and outer projected judgments can be your hidden denied self-judgments), will free you from darker emotions and thoughts such as many in the ego versus soul list below, and relinquishes ego agendas like judgment, blame, resentment, etc., returning you to love.
4) Joy is an instant and effortless energy up-lifter, brings you fully into the present, and connects you with the inherent goodness of you, others and life. The ego cannot exist in laughter, for example. It simply has no foothold in that space of high energy. Light-heartedness and seeing the funny side of life, people, situations and yourself can help to move from ego to your true joyful self. After a good laugh problems can disappear, you can wonder why certain things ever bothered you, and you are filled again with just how wonderful life is.
5) Meditation positively transforms your state of being and quells the ego through calming the ‘monkey mind’ and looping repetitive thoughts, and creating the space for higher energy and perspectives to dawn, your heart to open and your soul to connect more closely with you. It will literally alter your brain frequencies physiologically that enable deeper states which are more receptive and aligned to your Higher Self. There are a lot of different kinds of meditation practices, choose any you most enjoy or resonate with. Even just some moments in quiet stillness can be of help, perhaps slowing your breathing, listening to relaxing music, spending time in nature, etc.
6) Acceptance of self/others and life is like taking a huge releasing sigh, and a powerful step in letting go of any ego state and challenging life situations.
7) Feeling your feelings helps you to release them and is a way of being honest, honouring and intimate with yourself. I’m not talking about wallowing or over-indulging in negative states (i.e. nip that pity in the bud), but more allowing your emotions to be felt and in that expressed, so they can move through rather than get repressed. The ego can use emotions like anger, pain, jealousy, hurt, to loop dark stories in your mind that keep you from the truth, feeding lies about yourself, others, and life in a way that keeps you from love. Constricting emotions can in themselves cloud and separate you from love’s presence.
8) Oneness perspectives and an awareness that at a fundamental level we are all connected can do wonders for helping us move from ego to love.
9) Empathy and compassion, putting yourself in another’s shoes, engaging your care and seeking understanding help to move you from ego to your love in empowering ways, and dissolves traps like blame, judgment, fear, defensiveness, etc.
EGO Versus SOUL – 9 Dichotomies
Judgment ~ Love and compassion (for self and others)
Separation ~ Joining
Blame/victimhood ~ Responsibility
Criticism ~ Compassion and understanding
Resentment ~ Forgiveness
Control ~ Love, trust, receiving/allowing
Jealousy ~ Self-Love, self-acceptance and self-value
Feeling ‘better than’ or ‘less than’~ Self-Love and acceptance
Fear ~ Love and trust
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